1 |
The Dam Safety Act, 2021 |
2 |
The Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948 |
3 |
The Dehra Dun Act, 1871 |
4 |
The Dekkhan Agriculturists Relief Act, 1879 |
5 |
The Delhi and Ajmer-Merwara Land Development Act, 1948 |
6 |
The Delhi and Ajmer Rent Control Act, 1952 |
7 |
The Delhi Apartment Ownership Act, 1986 |
8 |
The Delhi Development Act, 1957 |
9 |
The Delhi High Court Act, 1966 |
10 |
The Delhi Land Holdings (Ceiling) Act, 1960 |
11 |
The Delhi Lands (Restrictions on Transfer) Act, 1972 |
12 |
The Delhi Laws (Special Provisions) Act, 2006 |
13 |
The Delhi Motor Vehicles Taxation Act, 1962 |
14 |
The Delhi Municipal Corporation Act, 1957 |
15 |
The Delhi Police Act, 1978 |
16 |
The Delhi Primary Education Act, 1960 |
17 |
The delhi rent control act, 1958 |
18 |
The Delhi Sales Tax Act, 1975 |
19 |
The Delhi School Education Act, 1973 |
20 |
The Delhi Sikh Gurdwaras Act, 1971 |
21 |
The Delhi Special Police Establishment Act, 1946 |
22 |
The Delhi University Act, 1922 |
23 |
The Delhi (Urban Areas) Tenants Relief Act, 1961 |
24 |
The Delhi Urban Art Commission Act, 1973 |
25 |
The Delimitation Act, 2002 |
26 |
The Depositories Act, 1996 |
27 |
The Designs Act, 2000 |
28 |
The Destructive Insects and Pests (Amendment and Validation) Act, 1992. |
29 |
The Destructive Insects and Pests Act, 1914 |
30 |
The Direct Tax Vivad se Vishwas Act, 2020 |
31 |
The Disaster Management Act, 2005 |
32 |
The Dissolution of Muslim Marriages Act, 1939 |
33 |
The Disturbed Areas (Special Courts) Act, 1976 |
34 |
The Divorce Act, 1869 |
35 |
The Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) (Inapplicability to Major Ports) Act, 1997 |
36 |
The Dock Workers (Regulation of Employment) Act, 1948 |
37 |
The Dock Workers (Safety, Health and Welfare) Act, 1986 |
38 |
The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961 |
39 |
The Drugs and Cosmetics Act, 1940 |
40 |
The Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisement) Act, 1954 |
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The Durgah khawaja Saheb Act, 1955 |